Rote Bete Wraps

Beetroot quinoa protein wraps: power for body and mind

Beetroot Quinoa Protein Wraps – Power for Body and Mind 🌯❤️ These quinoa protein wraps are not only a real nutritional hit thanks to vegan-redbeet:PROTEIN, but also brings a bright color to your p...
Bunte Gemüsepfanne mit Rote-Bete-Proteincreme

Colorful vegetable pan with beetroot protein cream

This exquisite recipe is not only a feast for the senses, but also a true nutritional miracle. The colorful vegetables, which can be customized as desired, are rich in vitamins, minerals and antiox...
Himbeer-Protein-Eis mit Topfen

Raspberry protein ice cream with curd cheese

Refreshment in a delicious and healthy way: Our berry protein ice cream combines frozen raspberries, low-fat curd and the innovative vegan redbeet:PROTEIN. Refined with a touch of agave syrup, the ...
Redbeet-Protein on ICE - besonders gut bei hohem Tripa Anteil (Feuer) 🔥

Redbeet Protein on ICE - especially good with a high Tripa content (fire) 🔥

This protein shake recipe is particularly well suited to those with a high Tripa percentage. Tripa types tend to have a sluggish metabolism and benefit from protein-rich foods to maintain their ene...
Bunte Gemüsestücke mit Forellenfilets & Wasabi - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Colorful vegetable pieces with trout fillets & wasabi - especially balancing for high levels of soil 🌍🏔

This recipe is well suited to the Beken type as it contains a balanced mix of lean protein, healthy fats and high-fiber vegetables. The trout fillets provide high-quality protein, while the vegetab...
Beauty Protein Shake - eignet sich besonders gut bei hohem Tripa (Feuer) 🔥

Beauty Protein Shake - particularly suitable for high Tripa (fire) 🔥

This recipe is especially good for high Tripa (fire) as it has balancing and calming properties that can help reduce fire and heat in the body. Tripa types tend to have an excess fire element, whic...
Die Anwendung unseres beauty:STAR Komplexes in dieser fruchtigen Bowl ist nicht nur unglaublich köstlich, sondern auch vorteilhaft, da es die Aufnahme der Nährstoffe durch den Körper erhöht.

Beauty Protein Bowl

The use of our beauty: Star complex in this fruity bowl is not only incredibly delicious, but also advantageous because it increases the absorption of nutrients through the body. Proteins promote t...
Dieser leckere Beauty-Heidelbeershake mit Flow-Effekt lässt sich ganz leicht in deinen Alltag integrieren, starte beispielsweise Wochentags zum Frühstück.

Beauty-Skin blueberry hook

This delicious Beauty-Heidelershake with a flow effect can be easily integrated into your everyday life, for example, starts breakfast on weekdays.
Das vegan-redbeet:PROTEIN Tatar ist ein kulinarisches Highlight und begeistert mit Beauty Nährstoffen für die natürliche Schönheit.

Protein tartar

The vegan-red bed: Protein Tatar is a culinary highlight and inspires with beauty nutrients for natural beauty as well as vital substances for balance and well-being.