
Detox Fruehlingsfit - recipe for detoxification and deacidification
Detoxification and deacidification: Use spring to rid your body of excess acids and give it a freshening treatment. Green supplements are suitable for all constitutional types (Lung (Wind), Tripa ...

Skin, Hair & Nails Banana-Strawberry Smoothie - especially balancing for high lung 🌬(Wind)
This smoothie recipe is particularly balancing and supportive for those with a dominant Lung type. Lung types tend to have a sensitive digestive system and can benefit from light, easily digestible...

Beauty-Skin blueberry hook
This delicious Beauty-Heidelershake with a flow effect can be easily integrated into your everyday life, for example, starts breakfast on weekdays.

Green protein shake
Enjoy chlorophyllic powers after sport, as a breakfast or in between as a healthy energy leader.

Beauty Skin Glow Breakfast
This delicious natural: Beauty Skin Slow Breakfast is prepared in 5 minutes and lets you shine.

Protein carrot
Simply prepared, this delicious vegan barrot provides you: proteins carrot shake for high-quality protein complex carbohydrates.