Dieser leckere Beauty-Heidelbeershake mit Flow-Effekt lässt sich ganz leicht in deinen Alltag integrieren, starte beispielsweise Wochentags zum Frühstück.

Beauty-Skin blueberry hook

This delicious Beauty-Heidelershake with a flow effect can be easily integrated into your everyday life, for example, starts breakfast on weekdays.
Green protein bowl You read Beauty-Skin blueberry hook 1 minute Further Creamy date latte


  • 2 tbsp vegan-redbeet:PROTEIN
  • 1 ML natural:BEAUTY
  • 1 ML mineral:HEROS
  • 300 ml oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon almond butter
  • 1 cup ice cubes (optional)
  • 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Here's how it's done:

  1. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until creamy.
  2. Tip: Enjoy the beauty shake in small sips. You can also take it with you if you fill it into your sealable blender bottle.

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