Saatenknäcke mit Karotten-Linsen Dip - ausgleichend für Lung & Tripa 🔥🌬

Sowing cracks with carrot lenses DIP

This recipe for gluten-free seed crispbread with a protein-rich carrot and lentil dip combines enjoyment and health in a snack that is perfect for any time of day. Gluten-free seed crispbread offer...
Diese hausgemachte Schokolade bietet nicht nur einen unwiderstehlichen Geschmack, sondern auch gesundheitliche Vorteile. Verwöhne dich mit einem köstlichen Snack, der gleichzeitig deinem Körper guttut!

Crispy chocolate

This homemade chocolate not only offers an irresistible taste, but also health benefits. Hemp seeds are rich in essential fatty acids and proteins, while buckwheat is high in fiber and contains imp...
Hafer-Kekse mit Hanfcrispy - viele Nährstoffe, Ballaststoffe und ein besonders leckerer Geschmack!

Oat cookies with hemp crispy

Enjoy our healthy oat chia snacks! With gluten-free oat flour, nutrient-rich chia seeds, fiber-rich flax seeds, buckwheat, hemp seeds and ground cocoa beans, they are not only delicious, but also g...
Chlorophyll-Power-Bowl - besonders gut bei hohem Lung (Wind)
bio:HANFSAMEN (ungeschält)

Chlorophyll-Power-Bowl-particularly good with high lung (wind)

This recipe is particularly well suited for the Lung type as it contains a variety of ingredients that are beneficial to Lung types. The frozen mango, zucchini, baby spinach and avocado provide a w...
Mit diesem köstlichen keen:MIND Power Frühstücks-Trunk startest du leistungsstark und fokussiert in deinen Tag.

Focus-breaking trunk trunk

With this delicious Keen: Mind Power breakfast drink you start powerful and focus on your day.
Dieses wunderbare Puffbohnen-Gericht liefert dir viel pflanzliches Eiweiß und Ballaststoffe. Der Crispy Hanfsamen als Topping rundet es perfekt ab.

Puff bean pumpkin salad with vegan-red bed: protein dressing

This wonderful puff bean dish provides you with a lot of vegetable protein and fiber. The crispy hemp seeds as topping rounds it off perfectly.