vegan-greens:PROTEIN on Ice - Ein erfrischender Protein-Kick, ganz einfach und schnell zubereitet.

Vegan-Greens: Protein Shake On Ice

A refreshing protein kick, very easy and quick to prepare. A very tasty supplier of fiber, energy and feeling of satiety. Refined with mint and chilled with ice cubes a perfect companion for hot days.
Grillgemüse mit Kartoffelschaum - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Grilled vegetables with potato foam - especially balancing for high temperatures (earth) 🌍🏔

This recipe for roasted seasonal vegetables with potato foam is particularly well suited for those with a dominant Beken. Beken types often have strong digestive metabolisms and tend to benefit fro...
Zweierlei Hummus mit gegrilltem Gemüse - wertvoll für alle Doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

Two kinds of hummus with grilled vegetables - valuable for all doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

This recipe is suitable for all body types as it offers a balanced mix of healthy ingredients. The chickpeas provide fiber and protein, which are beneficial for all types. The tahini provides healt...
Bunte Gemüsestücke mit Forellenfilets & Wasabi - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Colorful vegetable pieces with trout fillets & wasabi - especially balancing for high levels of soil 🌍🏔

This recipe is well suited to the Beken type as it contains a balanced mix of lean protein, healthy fats and high-fiber vegetables. The trout fillets provide high-quality protein, while the vegetab...
Gemischter Salat - eignet sich am besten bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Mixed salad - best suited for high soil 🌍🏔

This salad is best for high Beken because it contains a variety of fresh vegetables and healthy ingredients that can balance and nourish the body. The Beken type benefits from a balanced diet rich ...
Linsen-Karotten Dip - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken 🌍🏔

Lentil-carrot dip - especially balancing for high blood pressure 🌍🏔

This recipe is especially balancing for Beken types. The ingredients like carrots and red lentils provide a nutritious and easily digestible meal. The onion and garlic provide additional flavor and...
Genieße den puren Geschmack des Sommers und lass dich von der leckeren Verbindung von Ananas-Kokos-Banane und natto:MAGIC verwöhnen.

Pineapple coconut smoothie

Tropical culinary delight for home! Enjoy the pure taste of summer and let yourself be pampered by the delicious connection of pineapple coconut banana and Natto: Magic.
Dieser Zitronen-Ingwer Eistee verbindet die Frische von Zitronen, der angenehmen leichten Schärfe von Ingwer und dem wohltuenden Geschmack von Zimt und Kurkuma.

Lemon-ginger iced tea - particularly good for high lung (wind) 🌬

This drink is particularly suitable for the Lung type as it is refreshing and has a light effect suitable for Lung types. The black tea provides energy while the lemon juice and mint provide a refr...
Summer Drink - Vorteilhaft für alle Doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

Summer Drink - Beneficial for all doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

This summer drink is a refreshing choice for all constitution types. It combines mineral water and rice milk for a light texture and refreshing taste. The addition of jamu:MAGIC and keen:MIND not o...