Genieße den puren Geschmack des Sommers und lass dich von der leckeren Verbindung von Ananas-Kokos-Banane und natto:MAGIC verwöhnen.

Pineapple coconut smoothie

Tropical culinary delight for home! Enjoy the pure taste of summer and let yourself be pampered by the delicious connection of pineapple coconut banana and Natto: Magic.

Ingredients - 1-2 people

  • A handful of pineapple pieces
  • 1 banana
  • 200 ml coconut water or plant milk
  • 1 ML natto:MAGIC per person (1 or 2 measuring spoons)
  • ice cubes

Here's how it's done:

  1. Cut pineapple and banana into pieces.
  2. Mix together with coconut water or milk and natto:MAGIC until creamy.
  3. Pour over ice cubes and enjoy.

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