
Kids-Fit Kaki Pudding mit Grießhaube
Kaki-Schoko-Pudding mit luftiger Grießhaube
Dieser köstliche Pudding ist nicht nur für Kinder ein nährstoffreicher Genuss! Die natürliche Süße reifer Kakis kombiniert mit dem wertvollen kids-fit:CA...

Pumpkin muffins
Super delicious pumpkin muffins with Joy Natural Dattel: Sugar from 100% organic datel powder sweetened, plus an extra portion of vitamins made of Kids-Fit: Cacao "Affenst strong for the whole family"

Amaranth-chocolate bar
A particularly delicious, chocolate powder bar with Joy Naturals Natural Kocao by Kleine Fairtrade cocoa farmers and the special nutrient plus from Choco: Magic.

Chocolate cake
Wonderfully juicy and sweetened with 100% natural, powdered dates, the Joy Natural Datel: Sugar. So snacks become a healthy and nutrient -rich joy.

Spice cookie
It can be healthy and delicious for Christmas ? This Kids-Fit: Cacao Spice cookies can be ideally prepared with children, as the dough can be processed wonderfully.

Buckwheat-edel-cocoa crispy
Buckwheat-edel-cocoa crispy are a crispy-chocolate treat with the best ingredients for healthy snacking.