
Incolorities and serious illnesses - keyword: "Excession of gluten"

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The rise of pseudocereals: healthy alternatives in the focus of a modern diet

Awareness of healthy eating is continually increasing, which means that conventional grains are increasingly becoming the focus of critical debate.

One reason for this is the increasing number of cases of gluten intolerance and other health concerns. Pseudocereals are stepping into the spotlight as a healthy and tolerable alternative. But can pseudocereals really meet the high demands of today's health-conscious society?


Pseudocereals, often referred to as false cereals, are botanically different from classic cereals such as wheat, rye and spelt, which belong to the grass family. Nevertheless, they offer similar culinary and nutritional properties like conventional grains, which makes their use in cooking popular.

The numerous benefits of pseudocereals

The main advantages of pseudocereals extend far beyond the benefits for people with gluten intolerance. Pseudocereals such as buckwheat and hemp seeds are real nutritional bombs. Especially buckwheat, which is considered an excellent source of plant-based protein, and hemp seeds with an optimal ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids, offer health benefitss, which are particularly valued in modern nutrition.

Pseudocereals do not contain gluten

Many grains contain gluten, which is also known as gluten protein known. Strictly speaking, it is a group of proteins that consists mainly of glutenin and gliadin. Gluten ensures that your rolls are fluffy and your bread is moist.

Unfortunately, gluten is not well tolerated by all people, because Gluten protein is difficult to digestThe so-called gluten intolerance occurs after eating foods containing gluten and manifests itself in symptoms such as bloated stomach, diarrhea or severe fatigue.

Gluten can, under certain conditions, also cause serious health problems. Here comes the so-called celiac disease comes into play, which is an autoimmune disease that causes severe inflammatory reactions in the intestine.

Even traces of gluten can cause severe immune reaction in the intestine which can lead to chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. The protein gliadin is responsible for most of the negative health effects that have brought gluten into disrepute. (1)

Consequently, many processed foods such as pasta, bread, cakes and other products containing gluten, which we should rethink in the light of today's modern diet.

Unlike regular grains, pseudo grains such as Amaranth, buckwheat and hemp no gluten, which is why the varieties mentioned are perfect for a healthy and varied diet.

Buckwheat & hemp seeds – particularly valuable pseudocereals

As part of the gluten-free diet Buckwheat is particularly popular. Buckwheat is considered an excellent plant-based protein source and contains all eight essential amino acids (EAA).

This is important for the biological value of the protein – and thus for the successful utilization of proteins in the human organism. Proteins are especially important for muscles, the hormone balance and enzymesProtein-rich buckwheat offers great advantages, especially in a vegan diet where protein must come exclusively from plant-based foods.

Also in the area of ​​micronutrients buckwheat It contains not only the vitamins B1, B2 and E, but also the minerals calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. Since buckwheat does not contain gluten, this pseudocereal is ideal for all people who suffer from gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Buckwheat also contains the secondary messenger chiro-inositol, thanks to which the pseudocereal is even said to have a lowering effect on blood sugar levels. (2) This is why buckwheat is particularly popular with

diabetics and people who are on a balanced blood sugar levels Buckwheat also contains high amounts of rutin. This is an antioxidant that keeps free radicals in check and is therefore important for health. There is also evidence from scientific studies that regular consumption of buckwheat can help prevent high blood pressure or even alleviate such complaints. (3)

In addition to buckwheat, the nutritionally valuable properties of hemp seeds enrich your diet. Hemp seeds also impress with their high nutrient content and above all contain plenty of high-quality protein, which also essential amino acids (EAA).

Hemp seeds are not only rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc, but also contain many vitamins (A, B, C, D and E). They also contain many fiber. Hemp seeds also contain important antioxidants (especially phytol), which support your body in the fight against free radicals.

Particularly valuable is the 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids! Nutrition experts recommend a intake ratio of 5:1 (Omega-6 : Omega-3), which most people, however, miss massively.

(4) Modern eating habits are increasingly leading to the Omega-6 content in food increases, while the omega-3 supply suffers. Landen hemp seeds on your plate, this is a massive boost to your health: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids provide your body with a healthy balance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes. Omega-3 fats counteract inflammatory processes, while omega-6 fatty acids promote inflammation.

A strong omega-6 dominance, which unfortunately is present in most people, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and autoimmune diseases. (5) Paying attention to this is therefore of great importance for your health.

The Almond – A Versatile Superfood

The almond itself deserves special attention in the discussion about healthy food alternatives.It is not only an excellent source of vegetable protein, but also rich in Vitamin E, Magnesium and fiberAlmonds are also known for their heart-healthy simply unsaturated fatty acids and can help lower overall cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of almonds can also promote artery health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Almonds are also a great snack between meals as they are filling and can help regulate body weight. high fiber and protein content the almond ensures a long lasting feeling of satiety.

Conclusion: Pseudo drinkslasting feeling of satiety.eide provides variety on the plate & offers many health benefits

Amaranth, buckwheat, hemp seeds, almonds & Co are real alternatives to conventional grains. Pseudocereals are the remedy of choice, especially for people who suffer from gluten intolerance or even celiac disease! But pseudocereals also offer real benefits for all health-conscious people. benefits. They are full of important nutrients, optimally complement the diet and bring variety to your everyday diet.

Integration of almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE into the daily diet

With the increasing popularity of pseudocereals and the general recognition of the health benefits of almonds, a perfect combination arises in the form of our almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE. This nutrient-rich breakfast dish combines the benefits of pseudocereals with the energy and health benefits of almonds.

Recipe suggestion for our Gluten-free almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE

Click on the picture to get to our high-quality pseudocereals, directly from the organic farmer in Austria:


(1)   H Wieser, NCBI, “Relation between gliadin structure and celiac toxicity”, at:, last accessed on 08.05.2021

(2)   Julianne M Kawa, Carla G Taylor, Roman Przybylski, NCBI, “Buckwheat concentrate reduces serum glucose in streptozotocin-diabetic rats”, at:, last accessed on 08.05.2021

(3)   J He, MJ Klag, PK Whelton, JP Mo, JY Chen, MC Qian, PS Mo, GQ He, NCBI, “Oats and buckwheat intakes and cardiovascular disease risk factors in an ethnic minority of China”, under:, last accessed on 08.05.2021

(4)   German Nutrition Society (DGE) eV, “Exercise more and reduce fat intake”, at:, last accessed 08.05.2021

(5)   Artemis P Simopoulos, NCBI, “The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases”, at:, last accessed on 08.05.2021

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