
Kocao - a real fountain of fountain

CHOCOLATE is not the same as COCOA

That's why we have some exciting information and arguments for you today that speak particularly in favor of using real raw cocoa. Read more about it here.

CHOCOLATE is not the same as COCOA

That's why we have some exciting information and arguments for you today that speak particularly in favor of using real raw cocoa.

Chocolate is amazing, it melts in our mouth and leaves a wonderful feeling of happiness. But is chocolate, as we know and eat it, really healthy?

Unfortunately not always, because chocolate is often an art form made from cocoa, usually very high in calories and even dark chocolate often contains large amounts of refined sugar, animal protein and additives.

The consumption of a lot of conventional chocolate, or rather “candy”, usually ends with a bad conscience, which can quickly turn the actually pleasant thought and mood-enhancing effect into the opposite.

COCOA – known as the food of the gods

But what makes raw and natural cocoa really good chocolate? Where does it come from? Who discovered it and was the first to use it?

We have to go back to pre-Columbian times, to the land of the Olmecs, Mayas and Aztecs. These peoples of Central America were familiar with the cocoa bean. Its first use was as a bath additive, and the first drink with its bitter taste was a "DRINK OF THE GODS". Seasoned with chili powder and colored with achiote, cocoa became known worldwide as the "FOOD OF THE GODS".


Have you heard? In addition to its health benefits, pure raw cocoa is truly a beauty product! The valuable bean contains a variety of antioxidants that make the skin younger and smoother. Find out here how you can use cocoa for your beauty care:

Very exciting: A top study result was published in the "Journal of Nutrition" which shows us that cocoa really does make your skin beautiful. American researchers divided women into two groups. One group was given real cocoa every day for six months, the second group was given only a fake drink that tasted like cocoa.

The result: In the group that drank real cocoa, the skin condition of the women improved – and this after only about 3 months. Wow!!!

Cocoa beans contain so-called flavonols (a subgroup of flavonoids). These are valuable secondary plant substances. However, it is important to choose high-quality products that have been processed as gently as possible.

It is best to use raw and pure cocoa powder (without sugar or other ingredients). This way you can decide how much and what kind of sugar you add.

In addition, raw cocoa is processed more gently, which means that all of the particularly valuable active ingredients are retained.

There are currently no studies on the effects of cocoa for external use.

But there is much to suggest that the valuable ingredients have a good and soothing effect, especially on dry and irritated skin.

Pure cocoa powder can also be used to make a wonderful, soothing face mask.

Real raw COCOA is also considered a natural TRYPTOPHAN BOOSTER & MOOD ENHANCER

Archaeological finds (1) dating back to 600 years before Christ provide clear evidence that cocoa, here in the form of a bitter decoction, was already consumed as medicine and for ritual purposes.

Modern research confirms that COCOA has an immune-stimulating effect and influences our emotions.

Controlled by the amino acid tryptophan, cocoa polyphenols regulate cellular signaling pathways of inflammation, brain, blood flow and sleep (2, 3).


Representative medical studies on the effects of cocoa are rare.

Those that do receive attention indicate that chocolate, containing pure cocoa, can protect the heart.

Epicatechins are particularly effective substances here. Numerous polyphenols also have a protective effect against blood clotting and thus protect against arteriosclerosis.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart Study conducted in 2006 found a medical connection between regular consumption of dark chocolate and healthy blood vessels.

COCOA – also acts as a natural BLOOD PRESSURE LOWER

The unnatural increase in blood pressure due to calcification of the blood vessels represents a risk factor for the entire organism.

Cocoa ingredients surprisingly increase oxidation protection. They improve the shielding of LDL cholesterol against damaging oxygen radicals.

This helps to protect the blood vessels and heart in a natural way against the dangers of permanent calcification of the intima.

Read in the journal “Clinical Nutrition” 2010 (4).

Quote: Chocolate consumption is inversely associated with calcification

atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries: the NHLBI Family Heart Study. Clin Nutr. (1):38-43, 2010.

Would you like to create your own – real MAGIC – raw cocoa chocolate?

Then we have something for you:

In less than 15 minutes delicious RAW COCOA CHOCOLATE produce!

You will receive the basic recipe, which you can use to create a variety of different creations, for example sprinkling them with buckwheat or chia seeds for a wonderfully delicious and healthy crunchy effect.

Also use coconut, nut sprinkles, dried fruits, herbs or flower petals – this not only looks special, but also makes the hearts of chocolate lovers beat faster.

You decide how sweet your chocolate should be. You can use coconut blossom sugar, honey, or plant-based alternatives such as agave, maple or yacon syrup to sweeten it as you like.

The special! choco:MAGIC makes the chocolate particularly creamy and also rich in fiber, plant-based protein and vitamins! Snack as often as you like without feeling guilty, you are doing yourself and your family a real treat.


1 W Jeffrey Hurst, Stanley M Tarka Jr, TG Powis, F Valdez Jr, TR Hester. Cacao usage by the earliest Maya civilization. Nature 418, 289-290, 2002.

2 Becker K, Geisler S, Ueberall F, Fuchs D, Gostner JM. Immunomodulatory properties of cacao extracts – potential consequences for medical applications. Front Pharmacol. 12; 4:154, 2013.

3 Jenny M, Santer E, Klein A, Ledochowski M, Schennach H, Ueberall F, Fuchs D.Cacao extracts suppress tryptophan degradation of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. J Ethnopharmacol.18;122(2):261-7, 2009.

4 Haskell-Ramsay CF, Schmitt J, Actis-Goretta L. The Impact of Epicatechin on Human Cognition: The Role of Cerebral Blood Flow. Nutrients. 27;10(8), 2018.

5 Djoussé L, Hopkins PN, Arnett DK, Pankow JS, Borecki I, North KE, Curtis Ellison R. Chocolate consumption is inversely associated with calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries: the NHLBI Family Heart Study. Clin Nutr. (1):38-43, 2010.

6 Camandola S, Plick N, Mattson MP. Impact of Coffee and Cacao Purine Metabolites on Neuroplasticity and Neurodegenerative Disease. Neurochem Res. 44(1):214-227, 2018.

7 Álvarez-Cilleros D, López-Oliva E, Goya L, Martín MÁ, Ramos S. Cocoa intake attenuates renal injury in Zucker Diabetic fatty rats by improving glucose homeostasis. Food Chem Toxicol. 127:101-109, 2019.

8 Li JW, Wang XY, Zhang X, Gao L, Wang LF, Yin XH. ()Epicatechin protects against myocardial ischemiainduced cardiac injury via activation of the PTEN/PI3K/AKT pathway. Mol Med Rep. 17(6):8300-8308, 2018.

9 Latif R. Maternal and fetal effects of chocolate consumption during pregnancy: a systematic review. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 32(17):2915-2927, 2018

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