Der Iced Banana Shake mit JOY NATURALS vegan-carrot:PROTEIN ist eine besonders köstliche und einfache Variante wertvollste Proteine zu genießen.

Iced banana protein-shake

The Iced Banana Shake with Joy Naturals Vegan-Carrot: Protein is a particularly delicious and simple variant to enjoy the most valuable proteins.
Protein carrot You read Iced banana protein-shake 1 minute Further Chocolate cup


  • 2-3 tablespoons of vergan-carrot:PROTEIN
  • 1 banana (frozen in pieces)
  • 400 ml oat milk (unsweetened)
  • Tip: If bananas get brown spots, they are particularly sweet. Cut them into pieces and freeze them for later use. That way you'll always have a few pieces ready for your particularly creamy and delicious shake.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender until creamy.
  2. Pour into a sealable glass and enjoy without stress.

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