Schnell zubereitet und voll mit Nährstoffpower + besonderem Nährstoffplus aus jamu:MAGIC für Widerstandskraft und Zellschutz ist unsere Tofu-Spinat Bowl ein wahres Highlight.

Tofu spinach bowl

Quickly prepared and simply delicious nutrient power with the special nutrient plus from Jamu: Magic for resistance and cell protection.
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  • 5 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1-2 cm peeled ginger
  • 1 ML (4 g) jamu:MAGIC
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • Add some chili if you like
  • tofu (250-300 g)
  • leaf spinach

Here's how it's done:

  1. Wash the spinach, blanch it in boiling salted water, rinse it with cold water (so it retains its rich color), squeeze it well.
  2. Cut the tofu into cubes and fry in a non-stick pan with the sesame seeds until it reaches the desired browning.
  3. Finely chop the ginger and mix with the sesame oil, soy sauce, chili and jamu:MAGIC.
  4. Put the spinach in a pan, pour the sauce over it and heat briefly, sprinkle with fried tofu and sesame oil and enjoy.

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